Photos:  Tal Nisim / Inga Gallery, 2022
Photos: Tal Nisim / Inga Gallery, 2022

365 is a wall drawing painted with gouache and assembled with, push pins and white cotton strings. It is based on a series of digital photographs extracted from satellite footage and data that transmit a yearlong movement of one Hyena who lives between Israel and the West Bank Barrier. The animal became a victim of violence on Palestinian territory and therefore was rescued by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). After its recovery, the Hyena was released with a tracking transmitter. This incident reveals how animal protection transforms into a form of control and highlights the way in which the animalistic is reduced into statistics - a visual abstraction of characters, symbols, lines, and dots.

 Photos:  Tal Nisim / Inga Gallery
Photos: Tal Nisim / Inga Gallery
 Photos:  Tom Swoboda / Terytorium, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, 2021
Photos: Tom Swoboda / Terytorium, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, 2021
 Photos:  Tal Nisim / Inga Gallery, 2022
 Photos:  Tal Nisim / Inga Gallery
 Photos:  Tom Swoboda / Terytorium, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, 2021
Photos: Tal Nisim / Inga Gallery, 2022

365 is a wall drawing painted with gouache and assembled with, push pins and white cotton strings. It is based on a series of digital photographs extracted from satellite footage and data that transmit a yearlong movement of one Hyena who lives between Israel and the West Bank Barrier. The animal became a victim of violence on Palestinian territory and therefore was rescued by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). After its recovery, the Hyena was released with a tracking transmitter. This incident reveals how animal protection transforms into a form of control and highlights the way in which the animalistic is reduced into statistics - a visual abstraction of characters, symbols, lines, and dots.

Photos: Tal Nisim / Inga Gallery
Photos: Tom Swoboda / Terytorium, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, 2021
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